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DeviceFlags Enumeration

Values for flag fields used when creating, querying or modifying virtual disks.

Namespace:  Arsenal.ImageMounter
Assembly:  Arsenal.ImageMounter (in Arsenal.ImageMounter.dll) Version: (
public enum DeviceFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 Placeholder for empty flag field.
ReadOnly1 Creates a read-only virtual disk.
Removable2 Creates a virtual disk with "removable" properties reported to the operating system.
SparseFile4 Specifies that image files are created with sparse attribute.
DeviceTypeHD16 Creates a virtual disk with device type hard disk volume.
DeviceTypeFD32 Creates a virtual disk with device type floppy disk.
DeviceTypeCD48 Creates a virtual disk with device type CD-ROM/DVD-ROM etc.
TypeFile256 Creates a virtual disk backed by a image file on disk. The Filename parameter specifies image file to use.
TypeVM512 Creates a virtual disk backed by virtual memory. If Filename parameter is also specified, contents of that file will be loaded to the virtual memory before driver starts to service I/O requests for it.
TypeProxy768 Creates a virtual disk for which storage is provided by an I/O proxy application.
ProxyTypeDirect0 Specifies that proxy application will be contacted directly through a named pipe. The Filename parameter specifies path to named pipe.
ProxyTypeComm4096 Specifies that proxy application will be contacted through a serial communications port. The Filename parameter specifies port optionally followed by colon, space and a port configuration string using same format as MODE COM command. Example: "COM1: BAUD=9600 PARITY=N STOP=1 DATA=8"
ProxyTypeTCP8192 Specifies that proxy application will be contacted through a TCP/IP port. The Filename parameter specifies host name or IP address optionally followed by colon and port number. If port number is omitted a default value of 9000 is used.
ProxyTypeSharedMemory12288 Specifies that proxy application will be contacted through shared memory. The Filename parameter specifies object name of shared memory block and synchronization event objects.
FileTypeQueued0 Image file accessed using queued I/O requests.
FileTypeAwe4096 Copy image file into physical memory block (AWE). No changes are written back to image file.
FileTypeParallel8192 Image file accessed using direct parallel I/O requests. Requires lower level driver to be callable at DISPATCH_LEVEL, otherwise IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL blue screen.
FileTypeBuffered12288 Image file accessed using queued I/O requests to image file opened in buffered mode. Useful for example when mounting image file with smaller sector size than image file storage.
Modified65536 This flag can only be set by the driver and may be included in the response Flags field from QueryDevice method. It indicates that virtual disk contents have changed since created or since flag was last cleared. This flag can be cleared by specifying it in FlagsToChange parameter and not in Flags parameter in a call to ChangeFlags method.
FakeDiskSignatureIfZero131072 If this flag is set, the driver will report a random fake disk signature to Windows in case device is read-only, existing disk signature is zero and master boot record has otherwise apparently valid data.
SharedImage262144 Open image in shared mode.
WriteOverlay524288 Use differencing image file as write overlay. This is only valid together with read-only flag and file or proxy types and when a write overlay image file is specified when the virtual disk is created. It also needs the write filter driver to be installed and registered.
See Also