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ImDiskAPIGetFormattedGeometry Method (Stream, Int64)
Reads formatted geometry for a volume by parsing BPB, BIOS Parameter Block, from volume boot record into a DISK_GEOMETRY structure. If no boot record signature is found, an exception is thrown.

Namespace: LTR.IO.ImDisk
Assembly: ImDiskNet (in ImDiskNet.dll) Version: (
public static DISK_GEOMETRY GetFormattedGeometry(
	Stream Imagefile,
	long Offset


Type: System.IOStream
Open stream that can be used to read from volume image.
Type: SystemInt64
Optional offset in bytes to volume boot record within file for use with "non-raw" volume image files. This parameter can be used to for example skip over headers for specific disk image formats, or to skip over master boot record in a disk image file that contains a complete raw disk image and not only a single volume.

Return Value

A DISK_GEOMETRY structure that receives information about formatted geometry. This function zeroes the Cylinders member.
See Also