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ImDiskDevice Methods

The ImDiskDevice type exposes the following members.

Public methodCheckDriverVersion
Checks if version of running ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver servicing this device object is compatible with this API library. If this device object is not created by ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver this method returns False.
(Inherited from ImDiskObject.)
Public methodClose
Close device object.
(Inherited from ImDiskObject.)
Public methodDismountVolumeFilesystem
Locks and dismounts filesystem on a volume. Upon successful return, further access to the device can only be done through this device object instance until it is either closed (disposed) or lock is released on the underlying handle.
Protected methodDispose (Overrides ImDiskObjectDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from ImDiskObject.)
Public methodForceRemoveDevice
Forcefully removes ImDisk virtual disk from system even if it is use by other applications.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetRawDiskStream
Opens a ImDiskDeviceStream object around this ImDisk device that can be used to directly access disk data.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSaveImageFile(String)
Saves contents of disk device to an image file.
Public methodSaveImageFile(SafeFileHandle, UInt32)
Saves contents of disk device to an image file.
Public methodSaveImageFile(FileStream, UInt32)
Saves contents of disk device to an image file.
Public methodSaveImageFile(String, UInt32)
Saves contents of disk device to an image file.
Public methodSaveImageFile(SafeFileHandle, UInt32, ActionActionBoolean)
Saves contents of disk device to an image file while pumping window messages between reads and writes.
Public methodSaveImageFile(FileStream, UInt32, ActionActionBoolean)
Saves contents of disk device to an image file while pumping window messages between reads and writes.
Public methodSaveImageFile(String, UInt32, ActionActionBoolean)
Saves contents of disk device to an image file while pumping window messages between reads and writes.
Public methodSaveImageFileInteractive
This function saves the contents of a device to an image file. This is a user-interactive function that displays dialog boxes where user can select image file and other options.
Public methodSaveImageFileInteractive(Boolean)
This function saves the contents of a device to an image file. This is a user-interactive function that displays dialog boxes where user can select image file and other options.
Public methodSaveImageFileInteractive(IntPtr)
This function saves the contents of a device to an image file. This is a user-interactive function that displays dialog boxes where user can select image file and other options.
Public methodSaveImageFileInteractive(IntPtr, Boolean)
This function saves the contents of a device to an image file. This is a user-interactive function that displays dialog boxes where user can select image file and other options.
Public methodSaveImageFileInteractive(IntPtr, UInt32)
This function saves the contents of a device to an image file. This is a user-interactive function that displays dialog boxes where user can select image file and other options.
Public methodSaveImageFileInteractive(IntPtr, UInt32, Boolean)
This function saves the contents of a device to an image file. This is a user-interactive function that displays dialog boxes where user can select image file and other options.
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also